18th September Take The Biscuit Ceilidhs on the Move, Clopton, Suffolk Caller Alison Giles
28th October Gifford, Brookes at Loughton Folk Club, London
June 11th Take The Biscuit, White Horse Ceilidhs, Grove
22nd February Take The Biscuit Meltdown Ceilidhs, Haywards Heath, Caller Alison Rowley
15th March Gifford, Brookes, with Special Guest Debs Chalmers, Stanstead Abbotts Ceilidh Society, Herts
17th April CANCELLED Take The Biscuit, Knees Up Cecil Sharp, Camden, Caller Harri Barton
14th September 2019 Take The Biscuit Wedding, Cambridge with Alison Giles
15th September 2019 Take The Biscuit Stanstead Abbotts Ceilidh Society Turns 3 with Barry Goodman
21st September 2019 Take The Biscuit, Ceilidhs on the Move, Suffolk
5th October 2019 GiffRaff (Beth Gifford and Rob Gifford) Caller Matt Brookes.
11th October 2019 Take The Biscuit, Ceilidh at the Halls, Caller Mary Panton Stanley Halls, South Norwood, London
7th January Gifford, Brookes, Barry Goodman & Friends, Hitchin Folk Club
21st January Take The Biscuit , Stanstead Abbotts Ceilidh Society
16th February Take The Biscuit, Stanley Halls, South Norwood with Ian Nicholls
18th March Take The Biscuit, Stanstead Abbotts Ceilidh Society
20th May Gifford, Brookes supporting Rattle on the Stovepipe, Stanstead Abbotts Ceilidh Society
2nd June 2018 Take The Biscuit, Saffron Walden with Mary Panton
15th September 2018 Take The Biscuit, Ceilidhs on the Move, Suffolk
16th September 2018 Take The Biscuit, Stanstead Abbotts Ceilidh Society Turns 2 with Sheena Masson!
14th January Birmingham Barn Dance
22nd January Stanstead Abbotts Ceilidh Society
Take the Biscuit with Lisa Heywood
11th March Stanley Halls, South Norwood,
Take the Biscuit Ceilidh with Fee Lock
22nd April Mr Playford's Winchester Assembly, Guildhall, Winchester
Mrs Savage's Whim with Nigel Close
Tickets Available from steve_d_jarvis@hotmail.com
20th May Ceilidhs on the Move, Clopton, Suffolk
18th June Stanstead Abbotts Ceilidh Society
Take the Biscuit Advance Tickets Available
August 4th- 11th Sidmouth Folk Week
Mrs Savage's Whim
1st January 8pm St Albans
Julian Mount, Warp and Weft and Elie Rees
14th January 7.30pm Loughton Folk Club
Anna Mullens & Beth Gifford, Hannah Cumming
6th February Birmingham Charity Ceilidh
Harborne Venue and Start time TBC
19th February Knees Up Cecil Sharp! Ceilidh, London
Take the Biscuit Callers Gordon & Nancy Potts
5th March Red Fox Ceilidhs, Leicester
6th May Stortfolk Folk Club, Bishops Stortford
29th June Coram Fields Private Event
Take the Biscuit
7th July Loughton Folk Club
Gifford, Brookes